Thursday, May 27, 2010

The reviews are in

It's been confirmed by the masses, The Spider Love Blog is a cultural phenomenon.
6 million unique hits in a single week. Glowing reviews keep pouring in!

"I thought the Kegcycle was cool, but then lmoa when I saw the bright car. Very funny."
- Hohenstaufen of Volkmar

That's how funny the Bright Car is. He didn't laugh his ass off, he laughed his organs away.

"i thought about laughing... but then my brain hurt.. and i didn't......"
- Nukeyoo, Blacklisted

That's good, right? I'm saying that's a positive comment.

"lol nice work. Clearly you're the walter cronkite of warhammer."
- Seladorian, Blacklisted

I don't know a lot about Walter Cronkite, but I know he was a revolutionary running back for the Chicago Bears, and that's kind of what I'm trying to do here, just rushing the ball home with flair, but the "ball" is "breaking news and insightful opinion and analysis", so that's an OK analogy, I'm like the very best running back of reporters.

"all forms of LOL"
- McBeard, Acension

Solid LOLs! Liquid LOLs! Gaseous LOLs!

Azami of Gorfang

I would have preferred the fourth exclamation point there, but I'll take three.

"Stick to designing mounts!"
Tripan, Blacklisted

Blacklisted needs more Bright Wizards.

"Now that is some funny asswaffle... waffleing hilarious."
- Skankey, Old Folks

Oooo, someone just made it to the top of the 'Guard that dude' list.

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