Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Great Minds

Penny Arcade stole my idea for creating a horrible new "tap things and wait a really long time" game.

They naturally came up with the better name: "Touchasaurus."

(My working title was "Fantasy Dream Dragon Zooquarium and Baby Unicorn Farm Storyville.")

True Story: I breed Wizard Dragons.

The other notable differences:

In my game, "FDDZ+BUFS", a dollar buys you nothing. Standard rate is $3 to get a taste, $5-10 for the cheap stuff, $30 if you want the good shit.

The dragons you buy only have a 5 minute window after hatching where you're able to claim them. If you are not around to click the egg within these 5 minutes, the dragon will get Dragon AIDs and immediately die. You can revive the dragon for $30.

The dragons shit all over your castle. You need to click the shits to remove them. This gives you a single coin, which you can spend only on ugly decorative trees, which do nothing.

There will be an excessive amount of mindless tapping and double-tapping on poops and bushes, this is not to make the 'player' feel like he is actually 'playing' a 'game', I just want to make stupid assholes waste their time by needlessly triple-tapping meaningless buttons.

Also, this helps so that you accidentally hit "Buy NOW!" buttons and are immediately charged $30 to your credit card. No refunds, kids, sorry.

My game would be almost entirely pop-up box advertisements asking you to give me money. I think an acceptable ratio would be 6 minutes of clicking through ads followed by a grand total of 18 seconds of actual 'play' time per session.