Friday, December 09, 2011

[SWTOR] I am your father

Yes, Star Wars pre-orderers will start getting early access next week, so get your shit together if you have not yet already. You should have the game installed and ready to rock. You should have your poo bucket at the ready and your cabinets lined with enough Chee-tos, Doritos and Scotch to last you through the rest of the month.

Don't forget to check your e-mail for the invite, they start going out Tuesday.

If you haven't seen them:
The ubiquitous 12 Days of Smack Talkin'
What Is Love
(I feel like those are both pretty bad, but hey, at least they aren't 'arrow in the knee' or 'fus ro dah'  videos.)

Darth L. Jackson (not safe for work, motherfucker)
Al Pacino as Scarth Vader ( ... wow ...)
SNL Star Wars Auditions
Nick Nolte as Han Solo
Star Wars DeMotivational Posters
Bad Chewy!

This just in:
Warhammer Online is officially whittling down to a single server. ...Sad, funny, and probably long overdue again. Merry Christmas, Mythic.

more junk after the jump:

hi again


This hood ornament was designed to keep you from hitting anything.


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