Wednesday, December 07, 2011

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the TOR

3 things I did in beta that allowed me to just try to enjoy the f'ing game.

1 . I let go of any preconceived notions

I didn't compare it to some Fantasy Sandbox Game that will never exist. I didn't just blindly complain that every single aspect was directly copied from World of Warcraft.


 I enjoyed the game for what it was - a game I can play with friends that I actually find playable and fun.

2. I tried to maintain a sense of childlike awe and wonder

When I got my starship, I ran through it's corridors screaming 'EEEEEEEEE!' like a kid on Christmas morning. There's a lot of discovery in this game, a lot of gifts under the tree - learning to kick people in the balls, finding new companions, stacking up achievements in a Warzone, etc etc.

If you don't stop to smell the roses kicked-in testes and appreciate all the myriad little details in this game, you're missing out.

3. I tried a character that makes decisions that I would make

I wound up mostly playing a blackhearted Smuggler, because I wanted him to be as a dark and cold and self-serving as humanly possible. Or, in his case, Zabrakly possible. But this really locks you into your decisions playing the game - I'd just choose whatever route seemed to be the most dickish, whatever choices scored the most dark side points.

While I still plan to have a pure evil Smuggler, it's even more interesting to just play off-the-cuff and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe the road will lead to light, maybe I'll wind up leaning to be kind of shadowy neutral grey. We'll see.

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