Saturday, December 31, 2011

[SWTOR] Imperial Agent companions pics

I have friends now!

*SPOILERS* : Ignore this posting if you want the identity of your companions to remain a surprise to you while playing the game.

Kaliyo Djannis
Vector Hyllus [left], Dr. Lokin
Dr. Eckard Lokin [at left]
Dr. Lokin and I dressed as gay biker life partners
Just kidding. I wish HRP-DRP was my companion.
The next guy here is your ship droid, 2V-R8.

Dr.Lokin in monster form
Ensign Raina Temple


Kaliyo will be your go-to companion until you get Dr. Lokin. She's good at gaining and holding enemies' attention, but she starts to falter and dies more regularly as you level up. She's a ranged tank, but I prefer to have her do her charge-in attack to quickly grab aggro and hold a pack together in one place as I burn them down with grenades and suppressive fire.

She uses a blaster rifle and wears Aim-based heavy armor -- Bounty Hunter gear. I like her, but she's a bit shallow (her life goals seems to be "fuck and/or fuck over everything"). If you want to score points with her you'll need to question and disdain all forms of authority and embrace greed, violence and cynicism.

Your ship droid, (edit: 2V-R8), isn't that helpful at all until he gets more abilities and a little droid gear equipped. He actually becomes fairly useful at healing, until you get Lokin, who's flat-out better at it.

Vector isn't a companion I use much - he's decent melee damage but doesn't really compare to having a tank or healbot. He's probably more useful to healing-spec Operatives, I suppose. [*Edit: he's the guy I call on if I'm solo kiting a tough melee champ - I don't need Lokin healing or Kaliyo tanking, but Vector will snare and add some needed punch). He uses an electrostaff and wears Willpower-based light armor -- Inquisitor gear.

He has a weird backstory - a combat-trained Imperial diplomat who's now part of a bug alien species hive-mind. If you like dudes with glossy black eyes who refer to themselves as 'we', you'll love Vector. If you want to score points with him, solve problems diplomatically and generally be a goody two-shoes.

Dr. Lokin is an excellent healer who has a monster form that you can toggle on and off. The rakghoul form is very useless melee dps at this point and it looks pretty stupid, which makes me sad. He uses a blaster pistol and wears your hand-me-down Cunning-based medium armor and vibroknives.

Lokin is a pragmatist. Being selfish, selfless or otherwise short-sighted will piss him off. Quick thinking and problem-solving impress him.

Raina is a ranged gunslinger that can toggle stances to emphasize her area-effect attacks. Useful only for burning through packs of weak trash mobs. I like to squint and pretend she's Halle Berry. And she's my girlfriend. She dual wields blaster pistols and wears your hand-me-down Cunning-based medium armor.

She is a loyal, duty-bound Imperial soldier, so playing with that in mind will make her adore you. Being a greedy, violent shithead will turn her off.

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