Friday, June 24, 2011

unda da sea

Hey, Guild Wars 2.

How about a little less 20 minute demos of killing fish in a pond and a little more video of fighting players in some sort of manner that would make me excited to play you.

I'm a little concerned about where your priorities seem to lie.

Am I alone on this? I'm just underwhelmed hearing about repetitious dungeon pugging and fighting aquatic flotsam.

Man. I'd so much rather be hearing about a MMO that laughs at and disdains the idea of dungeon grinding and shit like killing river crabs.

But, yeah, I guess that's cool, your death mage has a magic air mask and a fishing spear attack. However... I'd prefer a deep sea diver's helmet and an electic eel whip.

No wait, I want to shape-shift into the Little Mermaid and fight with starfish throwing stars.

No wait, I want to summon a giant seahorse combat mount and fight with a squid mace that farts ink in your eyes.

No wait, I don't want to fight underwater.

'nother link:  screenies and blahblah @
I like the idea of quests described as exploring + interacting with the world around you and not just bouncing from quest point (!) to quest point (?) and trying not to read any of the quest text tediously explaining why I have to kill rats.

But, really, is a game with green stars floating above bushes more fun than a game with a yellow punctuation marks floating above NPC's heads? I don't know, I guess I have to hope so.

Either way, people don't play these games because the quests are great fun, it's all about the big payoffs - spending 15 hours a day in dungeons, winning epic shoulderpads, picking up garbage off the road so you can ride a big albino turtle. Right?

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